Medical-grade compressed air is utilized in almost every section of a hospital and is given to patients who require inhaled drugs and anesthesia, as well as for the treatment of respiratory disorders and to power ventilators.
Medical Air is a clean source of compressed air used to deliver medical gas in hospitals and healthcare facilities. To avoid water buildup in your facility’s pipeline, it must be clear of pollution and particles, contain no oil or aromas, and be dry. A surgeon uses a Medical Air Compressor to keep a patient comfortable and breathing in an emergency or non-emergency operating room. Medical air sources are exclusively connected to the medical air distribution system and utilised for air in human breathing and the calibration of medical equipment for respiratory usage.
Air compressors that are used for medical purposes:

Operation Theatre
During surgeries, patients are given medical-grade compressed air that is free of pollutants like oil, dust particles, bioburden, and water vapour. It helps them breathe and relax during intrusive operations. Air compressors are also used in the OT to power a variety of handheld medical equipment and pneumatic devices.
Air compressors power life support systems in intensive care units ICU. While ventilators are working, medical-grade air compressors provide clean, dry air. They also provide electricity to incubators, which keep newborn newborns safe while their crucial organs develop. The controlled flow of air helps to limit dangerous levels of oxygen exposure while also allowing patients to breathe easily.
Air compressors are also used in dental procedures and treatments. They assist dentists with tooth extraction, root canal treatment, teeth cleaning, and other invasive operations by operating drills, scalers, and other portable devices.
Dental air compressors must not only provide the cleanest air for equipment, but they must also operate quietly, allowing dentists to concentrate on their work and patients to be at ease. Small Air Compressors with filter silencers can drastically reduce the amount of noise produced by a machine.
Hospital Maintenance
Compressed air is the most effective way to clean dirty surfaces in any institution, making it particularly valuable in hospitals that must maintain a high level of cleanliness. Other tools used in the repair and maintenance of medical equipment, such as nail guns, impact hammers, and others, are powered by air compressors.
Air compressors are also used to inflate mattresses and the tyres of wheelchairs, stretchers, and service carts by hospital maintenance crews.
Check the condensate drains as part of your regular air compressor maintenance to ensure they aren’t leaking moisture into the medical systems they’re connected to. Cleaning the blocked drains properly is a must, and if there are any other symptoms of the damage, a professional should be contacted to do any necessary repairs or replacements.
For specific purposes and to support your facility maintenance chores, Milestone Pneumatics supplies Air Compressors and Accessories to the healthcare industry. Contact our team at 079-29683107 / +91 99048 05712 or for more information on various types of air compressors.